

I want to share some good news with you. 
[My Lana Del Rey concert tickets arrived]
Yes, concert tickets are great news! I'm huge fan of Lana Del Rey and in April she will do a concert in Frankfurt. I really wanted to go yes I know that a lot of people say, she can't sing live and that her voice on CD isn't her real voice but 60 Euros were a little bit too much for me. 
Students don't have that much money - belive it or not. 
Luckily I noticed that o2 more had a "buy one get two" campaign for her concert. 
o2 more is a free service for o2 costumers. The only disadvantage is more comercial, yet they sometimes have really great campaigns. If you are an o2 costumer, make sure to enable your o2 more account.
Whenever you can get something for free or cheaper - get it! 

Further my Mam visited me last weekend. It was quite fun to have her over because I'm Mama&Daddy girl and it was nice to talk to her face-to-face again. 
I showed her downtown Frankfurt am Main and we went to eat Indian food. It was super delicouse! And spicy. But I love spicey food and will go there again. Chicken Curry was only 5 or 6 Euros that's not too bad.
 We also went to the airport bacause Dany - the life partner of my Mam - loves airplanes. It was nice and we even took a tour at the airport. 
I would do it again, simply because I love security checks. I can't eyplain why. Probably my brain connects security checks with the opportunity to travel, to fly far away and see awesome places. Sorry brain, you only got to see the Flughafen Frankfurt am Main.
[The airport with airplanes. Thank you, Captain Obvious.]
I learned a lot about the airport and airplanes and I really don't like to know these things. I like to pretend every airplane got its own little fairy and whenever a plane has to start the fairy will cover the whole thing in fairy dust. That's why I always think about something great while the plane starts. I have not watched Peter Pan fivehundret times as a child for nothing!
I still belive in fairies!

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